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Atlas Platform

Environment Variables

Environment variables are composed of key-value pairs set externally from your source code. They can influence the behavior of the web application, providing a way to adjust its configuration without changing the codebase. Each value can be modified based on the specific Atlas environment.

Modifications to environment variables do not retroactively affect past builds. They are effective only for subsequent builds.

Managing environment variables

To add new variables either visit the Atlas Environment Details page and click the Go to variables link of the Variables card (first image) or select the lefthand submenu Variables item (second image). Visit env vars screen SubMenu Variables Item

On first entry to this page you will see an empty Environment Variables table in the non-edit mode. To add a row select the Add environment variable button. Add environment variable

Enter a key and value for each of your variable rows. To add further rows, while in edit mode, press Add Variable and input additional key-value pairs. Then click Save changes to confirm. Add new variable

Upon saving the table your changes are persisted but not yet in use, so you will be prompted to redeploy the Atlas Environment with the latest variables. This is optional but if you redeploy you will be taken to the Environment Details page & a redeploy will commence.
Rebuild site

Once the first variable row(s) has been added and saved, with or without redeploy, you will see the variable(s) in the non-edit mode version of the table. To modify this table again simply select the Add environment variable button again . Each time you save you will have to choose whether to redeploy, as before.
Add additional variables

You can download your existing environment variables list when not in edit mode. This is done via the download icon, below the Add environment Variable button.
Download variables

This presents you with a popup modal with 2 options for download format: CSV & .env.
Download variables modal

You can modify existing variables by entering edit mode, accessible through the edit icon of the table, below the Add environment variable button. When in edit mode each row can be deleted or modified & there is a quick Add variable button, which works as the previously-mentioned Add environment variable one.
Edit variable

You can remove a variable by clicking on the trash icon while in edit mode.
Delete variable


Reserved variables and namespaces

Atlas reserves some environment variables and prefixes. You cannot use these for your own variables:

  • PORT
  • WPE_ prefix

If you try to use these reserved keys, Atlas will display a warning and won’t save the variable.

Allowed format of keys

Environment variables’ keys on Atlas must match the following regex:


Special environment variables

The table below lists the environment variables for customizing operations in Atlas:

Environment VariableDescriptionExample
ATLAS_NO_PURGE_CDNOmit purging the CDN cache after deployments. Note: this may impact your site’s content freshness.true

System environment variables

Atlas automatically generates a collection of environment variables to provide users with metadata about their environments. This includes variables such as the Build ID or a flag that signifies whether the environment in question is a preview or production environment. You can find the complete list of system environment variables in the table below:

Environment VariableDescriptionExample
ATLAS_METADATAIndicates that system environment variables are added to your deployments.true
ATLAS_METADATA_SOURCESource control providergithub
ATLAS_METADATA_REPOSITORYGit repository name and ownersome-user/repo-name
ATLAS_METADATA_APP_NAME Name of the Atlas applicationmy-app
ATLAS_METADATA_ENV_NAMEName of the Atlas environmentmain-env
ATLAS_METADATA_COMMIT_SHACommit identifier for the current build4e6f58b
ATLAS_METADATA_ENV_BRANCHGit branch used for the current buildmain
ATLAS_METADATA_PREVIEW_ENVFlag that indicates if the environment is a ‘preview’ typetrue
ATLAS_METADATA_ENV_IDUnique identifier for the Atlas environment026bbe63-8043-1c3e-00e5-d95c5a12aa32
ATLAS_METADATA_BUILD_IDIdentifier for the latest build5f42ce7c-b894-887d-1b9e-69d2429acbdd
ATLAS_METADATA_CLEAN_BUILDIndicates if the build is a ‘clean’ buildfalse