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Atlas Platform

Troubleshooting Atlas Commerce Connector for BigCommerce

Common Issues

  • If the confirm connection operation is failing please make sure your Access Token is correct and that the API Account you set up has the required scopes. The following scopes are required to connect with your credentials, run the product sync, modify the cart and submit product reviews:

Carts => Modify

Content => Read-Only

Products => Modify

Store Inventory => Read-Only

Information & settings => Read-Only

  • If you are encountering an error with CORS or whereby the WordPress domain is trying to hit endpoints in the plugin that seem to be using the Atlas url for your headless site, please ensure that permalinks are set to Post Name or have a custom structure like so: /%postname%/

  • After solving some sync issues, the progress bar on the Dashboard menu item under BigCommerce Connection in the WP Admin toolbar may still be loading or hanging. There is a local storage item with the key set in the browser when a sync is started. Deleting this by going to your browser dev tools Application > Local Storage can help clean this up and reset the UI.

  • If there are no products showing when using the product blocks, please ensure you have performed an up to date sync.

  • If there is an error performing the sync please ensure that your credentials on the Configuration admin screen are correct and please make sure that Atlas Content Modeler is activated and contains the models needed to save the data as custom post types in the WordPress database. These models are setup when installing the Atlas Commerce Blueprint via our User Portal.

  • If there is an error with the sync or missing data on the Products screen please ensure that your BigCommerce API account has the necessary permissions for the data sets needed to be imported.

  • If there are issues with Webhooks please note that these are only set when a product sync has been performed and you wish to catch further updates. If you click Clear imported products this will also clear the current Webhooks so as not to sync unwanted updates from BigCommerce. Once a new sync is performed, Webhooks will be set again to catch further updates to your product data in BigCommerce.

  • The Home and Shop pages use ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) and so you won’t see the products on the frontend immediately - try refreshing these pages until they appear or you can run another build in Atlas.